#DIY Polaroids without a polaroid camera!
Polaroids are definitely a thing now. Whether you have a legit polaroid camera or no, you always have a jugaad. Here's an easy way how. Thank me later ;-)
Select your favourite pictures and paste them on a word document. Then align them in order to have at least a 4cm gap from all four sides. |
Then print it on photo paper available in any stationary store. I used the Kodak photo paper. Make sure you select the correct photo printing options on your computer. |
cut them out in the shape of polaroid |
Use some superglue duct tape to stick them where you want to. |
Cut them in small rectangles and stick it on the back of the photo. |
You can basely stick these pictures anywhere but I decided to put them on my study table. It was really gloomy on there and definitely gave me some inspiration to study! |
> My links:
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Mail me : ria_juweria@yahoo.co.in
Thanks for reading!
Love, Ria xx